Deserve is Still in its early stages, expect breaking changes

Deserve Quick Start


// main.ts
import { createApp, createRouter, response } from "";

Create App

/// ....
const app = createApp()

Create Router

/// ....
const router = createRouter<typeof app>()

typeof app gives the router better type safety

Add Routes

Routes take in a path that follows the URLPattern API which is a Web standard and a series of handlers that can return a response to complete the request or return nothing to go to the next handler

/// ....
router.get("/", (req, ctx) => {
    return response("Hello World")

response(...) is just an alias for new Response(...) which is a web standard

Append the router to the app and start the server

/// ....

        port: 8080

Now run the app

deno run --allow-net main.ts

Complete Example

import { createApp, createRouter, response } from "";

// Create App
const app = createApp()

// Create Router
const router = createRouter<typeof app>()

// Define Routes
router.get("/", (req, ctx) => {
    return response("Hello World")

    // Append Router to App
    // Start the Server
        port: 8080

Now to visit http://localhost:8080 and you should see Hello World in the browser